About ICTIS 2025

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of ICTIS 2025, we take the pleasure to invite you to The 10th International Conference on ICT for Intelligent Systems (ICTIS - 2025) is scheduled to take place in New York, USA, 23 - 24 May, 2025.

With this conference, participants will have the opportunity to discuss and explore Theory, Development, Applications, Experiences, and Evaluation of Interaction Sciences with fellow students, researchers, and practitioners. Conference topics can be any within the scope of the conference. Conference workshops may cover any topic within the conference's scope. The conference is devoted to increase the understanding role of Information and Communication Technology, how Intelligent Systems has day by day evolved. The conference will provide a platform for bringing forth significant research and literature across the field of Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems and provide an overview of the technologies waiting unveiling. This interaction will be the focal point for leading experts to share their insights, provide guidance and address participant's questions and concerns.

The emergence of the World Wide Web has rekindled enthusiasm for intelligent information technologies. Increasing attention is being directed towards crafting intelligent systems that empower users to efficiently tackle intricate tasks within web-based settings. These systems leverage technologies such as intelligent agents, distributed computing in diverse environments, and computer-supported collaborative work.

  • The primary objective of the International Conference on ICT for Intelligent Systems is to assemble researchers from interconnected domains like information systems, distributed AI, intelligent agents, and collaborative work. The aim is to foster exploration and discourse on diverse facets of designing and advancing intelligent technologies.
  • This journal provides a forum for academics and practitioners to explore research issues related to not only the design, implementation and deployment of intelligent systems and technologies, but also economic issues and organizational impact.
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